01-01-2015 date removed for Appeals.

Further to the The Amendment Act coming into effect on Friday 25 June, 2021 the most important amendment was the removal of the date in which a debtor had to have been in arrears on or before 01-01-2015. Since this date has been removed it allows more debtors to have their cases appealed should their creditors object to their proposals at creditor meeting stage.
Many debtors before could not lodge an appeal because their mortgages were not in arrears on or before 01-01-2015, therefore their case failed and there was nothing more that could be done for them.
We encourage everyone who is in arrears with their mortgage to contact R Hendy & Co and look into their Insolvency options. Now that the above amendment has been made, should your case fail, if we feel you meet all the criteria to appeal, we will appeal your case in the hope that your Personal Insolvency Arrangement is approved by court.
Contact us today on 0402 29376 ext.1