Our office will close for Christmas on Friday 20th at 1.00pm and return on Tuesday 7th at 8.00am

As part of our firm’s staff Well-being project, we will be trialling new opening hours from January to June 2025. Our office will remain closed on Mondays.

Our staff will continue to work their standard hours, but in four days instead of five.

Our new office hours for the trial period will be as follows:-

Monday Closed   
Tuesday Open 8:00AM to 1:30PM, 2:00PM to 6:00PM
Wednesday Open 8:00AM to 1:30PM, 2:00PM to 6:00PM
Thursday Open 8:00AM to 1:30PM, 2:00PM to 6;00PM
Friday Open 8:00AM to 1:30PM, 2:00PM to 5:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Chartered Accountants in Wexford & Wicklow

We are a progressive firm of chartered accountants and registered auditors with offices in Arklow, Co. Wicklow and Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
We are committed to providing high value services through building strong personal relationships with our clients, providing quality advice and an excellent service



All Accountancy Services Covered whatever the size, whatever the industry. Quality chartered accountants for Wexford & Wicklow.


We believe that any tax, regardless of the type of tax, is an expense to a business or individual and should be managed. We have a team of highly qualified professionals with many years of experience in all aspects of taxation. Call us today in Arklow Co. Wicklow or Enniscorthy Co. Wexford


We have the expertise to ensure that you get the retirement that you want. We are the pension experts for counties Wicklow & Wexford.


We cover personal insolvency & corporation liquidation/insolvency. With offices in Arklow & Enniscorthy, why not make an appointment to talk to us.


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Our Partners

LAtest NEws

Personal Insolvency Options.

Look into your Personal Insolvency options today with R Hendy & Co. If you are [...]

Financial Health Check.

Have you took the time lately to have a financial health check? Isn’t this a [...]

Business Matters with Karl Fitzpatrick.

If you missed Kerry O’Neill on Business Matters with Karl Fitzpatrick last Saturday, click the [...]


Small Company Administrative Rescue Process (SCARP) was passed on 13 July 2021 by the Oireachtas. [...]

Mortgage arrears and debt spiralling out of control!!

Do not let your mortgage arrears and other debts spiral out of control just like [...]

Business Matters with Karl Fitzpatrick.

Personal Insolvency Practitioner Kerry O’Neill from R Hendy & Co will feature on Business Matters [...]

Christmas Tips to manage money over the festive season!

Christmas is just around the corner, here are some tips we have for you to [...]

Initial Meetings with a Personal Insolvency Practitioner.

Initial Meetings with a Personal Insolvency Practitioner are still taking place via zoom. Now is [...]