R Hendy & Company is a company based in Wicklow and Wexford that specialise in Personal Insolvency. We are unbiased, independent financial advisors who deal with all creditors and customers. R Hendy & Co are not promoted by any creditor/lender.
We help people who are in debt and struggling with secured and unsecured debts such as mortgages, residual debt , personal loans, credit cards, overdrafts, store credit, utility bills, rates, revenue debts and personal guarantees etc.
We have a dedicated team of staff and two Personal Insolvency Practitioners with many years of expertise that can put fantastic Personal Insolvency Arrangements (PIA’s) into place with your creditors.

Find out more at https://rhendy.ie/insolvency/ or https://approvedpip.ie/services/
You can also contact us on the following: