Personal Insolvency

R Hendy & Company is a company based in Wicklow and Wexford that specialise in Personal Insolvency. We are unbiased, independent financial advisors who deal with all creditors and customers. R Hendy & Co are not promoted by any creditor/lender.
We help people who are in debt and struggling with secured and unsecured debts such as mortgages, residual debt , personal loans, credit cards, overdrafts, store credit, utility bills, rates, revenue debts and personal guarantees etc.
We have a dedicated team of staff and two Personal Insolvency Practitioners with many years of expertise that can put fantastic Personal Insolvency Arrangements (PIA’s) into place with your creditors.
✅Free, Confidential & Non-Judgemental Advice under the Abhaile Scheme
✅Restructured Mortgage – mortgage debt can be written off, mortgage payments can be lowered, interest rates can be changed and the term of the mortgage can be extended.
✅Unsecured debts can be lowered or written off
✅Judgement Mortgages can be taken off your family home through a PIA
✅Your family home can be taken out of the repossession courts and protected through a PIA.
You can also contact us on the following:
📞 Phone: 0402 29376 extension 1
💻 Email:
📱 Complete the following sections online from your smart phone or computer. Our staff will contact you.